Group Tour the Grass Valley Museum


Discover historic treasures

A museum in a convent. The Grass Valley Museum is unusual for gold rush sites in its interpretation of women's history. We take visitors from the nuns to the notorious. We show the town's history through the lens of women, from the legendary Lola Montez and Lotta Crabtree to the under-told stories of orphans and single parent households.

The 1866 building is recognized as both a state and national historic place. It is the oldest purpose-built convent for women still standing on the West Coast of the United States.

Program description. Through an historic building and an estimated 2,500+ artifacts collection, the museum interprets the social history of the community in relation to the national context. The public accesses our holdings through gallery visits, research requests, educational events and promotions, online newsletters, social media and off-site booths.

Popular Topics within the collection: ● Women’s history ● Families at risk ● Vintage gardens ● Architectural heritage ● Catholic history ● Genealogy ● Arts and artists ● Costume and textiles ● Education in the West